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In an emergency, dial 911 first, then call Campus Safety.

Contact Campus Safety by calling x5911 from campus phones or (406) 791-5911.

Your safety is among our first priorities at the University of Providence. We have trained, professional safety officers on duty 24/7, 365 days a year. Live-in Residence Directors and student Resident Assistants to provide you a safe place in which to live and learn. It is the mission of the University of Providence Campus Safety Office to provide a safe environment for members of the campus community 24/7, 365 days a year.

If you reside in our residence halls, you will find that our Residential Life Staff is on duty to assist and serve you 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Residence Directors keep regular office hours during the day and are available via a cellular phone call at night. Resident Assistants do evening rounds to assure that the halls are quiet, comfortable and safe. The Campus Safety Officer on duty can be reached via cellular phone in the event of an emergency. You will find that our campus is a safe and friendly place.

Campus Safety offers a variety of services to community members and guests.  Our Campus Safety dispatch is available 24/7 to receive reports of suspicious activities and to take requests for services such as safety escorts and room lock-out assistance. Campus Safety is also responsible for the initial investigation and documentation of campus incidents in addition to the traffic management and parking enforcement on campus.

We encourage your comments and concerns and look forward to helping make your experience at University of Providence an enjoyable one.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports

Additional Information

Campus Emergency Guide

MAP: Safest Snow Routes on Campus During Inclement Weather

MAP: ADA Campus Route


The Campus Safety building is located at the east end of the soccer field, just to the east of the McLaughlin Center Building.


Campus Safety can be reached at 406.791.5911 or 5911 if dialing from a campus phone.


Dial 911 first, then call Campus Safety.

The Incident Report Form below is for any individual to report suspicious and/or criminal activity on University property, to the University of Providence Campus Safety Department, anonymously. Tips help us investigate suspicious activity and crimes. The information provided will be checked and later used for investigations.

If you have been a victim and/or witness to a crime or other incident on campus and would like to report it ANONYMOUSLY, please fill out the form below. You will not be identifiable unless you choose to leave your name and contact information. It is OPTIONAL.

This helps us receive crime and incident reports and/or suspicious activity on campus. You may possibly be helping someone you know. If you have any questions about the program, please call 406-791-5911, ext. 5911; email CampusSafety@uprovidence.edu or stop by the Campus Safety Office.



University of Providence Incident Report

To report conduct issues which will result in a follow up by The Office of Campus Safety. Please do not report emergencies with this form, call 911.

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