Furthering your education can be one of the most rewarding avenues to excel in the workplace and advance professional skills. Although there are informal methods of continuing education, such as, reading books and attending seminars/workshops, enrolling in university courses can offer additional benefits that directly impact your professional growth.
Why Should You Continue Your Education?
When it comes to advancing your career, it’s important to note the areas that you need to strengthen and the areas that you want to gain further knowledge on. By enrolling in courses or earning certifications, you broaden your perspective, deepen your knowledge, and increase your confidence as a professional.
Here are the top three reasons why continuing your education matters:
1. Increases Your Worth & Marketability
Individuals who continue their education make themselves more marketable, appearing to be a more compelling candidate. Earning certifications from courses or obtaining a graduate degree makes a great addition to a person’s resume, increasing one’s worth on paper.
Professionals interested in a career change may benefit from a single course, certifications, or graduate degrees to magnify their skills and knowledge, setting them up for an opportunity to interview, obtain a job, and be successful in their new career path. Furthermore, advancing your skills and knowledge establishes credibility, which demonstrates your commitment to success in your next professional role.
2. Promotes Career Growth
Continuing education prepares employees to take on new responsibilities and opens the door to pursue advanced work. It demonstrates to employers that you are a motivated, ambitious employee who fosters their own success. Life-long learners are often the ones to climb the corporate ladder and are more likely to have salary increases.
In the event of economic downturns, your ability to adapt, learn new skills, and stay relevant makes you a valuable professional and asset to your employer, thus influencing the retention of your employment. According to a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, faculty members who participated in a development program were more likely to remain employed compared those who did not participate in developing their skills. This said, this can be applied across industries. By augmenting your knowledge and skills, you can maintain job security, feasibly transition between roles, or better position yourself for future opportunities.
3. Fosters Personal and Professional Development
By being a lifelong learner, you can enhance your strengths and modify your weaknesses. Through this personal and professional development, you can rediscover your skills and amplify your areas of expertise within your professional career.
Continuous growth and development can contribute to increasing self-confidence and making more thoughtful decisions both in the workplace and in personal environments. In the workplace, continuous learning makes you an asset. It enables you to better assist your colleagues, introduce innovative programs and techniques, and contribute to the organization’s success. In sum, furthering your education ensures you remain relevant, marketable, and ready for career advancement.
University of Providence’s Career Advancement and Continuing Education Program
If you are interested in refining your knowledge and skills, consider University of Providence’s (UP’s) Career Advancement and Continuing Education (C.A.C.E.) program. With over 100 courses to select from each semester, you can expand your expertise in areas, such as analytics, grant writing, legal studies, or management, to name a few.
UP is committed to implementing opportunities for continuous growth for both personal and professional development. Through the C.A.C.E program, individuals can enroll at any time during the academic year. Courses are available both online and on-campus, and you can select to enroll for credit or non-credit.
UP’s C.A.C.E. program is a prime opportunity for individuals to invest in themselves and to remain a competitive employee in the workplace. It provides avenues for career advancement, increased earning potential, and personal growth.
How to Enroll in the C.A.C.E. Program
Enrolling in the C.A.C.E. program is simple. First, prospects will need to review the University’s course schedule to ensure course availability for each semester. After reviewing the course schedule, individuals can then review and complete the C.A.C.E registration form, where they can submit and request their intended semester for enrollment, the types of courses they wish to enroll in, specify if courses will be taken for credit or non-credit, and other personal information. Upon completion of the registration form, individuals will need to submit their payment for each selected course to the University of Providence Registrar’s Office. To finalize the C.A.C.E. registration and enrollment process, the University will send a confirmation email with further instructions on how to access the course(s) and course(s) materials to prepare for the semester.
By taking advantage of C.A.C.E. courses, individuals have access to University of Providence resources such as: library services, online databases, online tutoring services, and accessibility services.
Ready to Advance Your Education and Career?
Take the chance to further your career by enrolling in a course, completing a certification, and/or by seeking a graduate degree of study.
Discover UP’s Career Advancement and Continuing Education program to enhance your knowledge and unlock new career opportunities.
Learn more about the registration process and the courses UP has to offer.