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Director of Career Services, Rod Johanson

Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself to you and share a little bit about the University of Providence Career Services. We (my wife, three children, and I) moved here…

2019 Distinguished Alumnus, Harry Guetherman

Class of 1986 | Sociology Harry Guetherman was born and raised in inner-city Philadelphia where people of his neighborhood rarely made it past that side of town. Yet, at age…

Alumni Ed and Dianne Coghlan

The University of Providence changed our lives. It’s where we met. It’s where we learned. It’s where we fell in love. It’s where we met friends who are still that…

Terry Cosgrove, Board of Trustees

As a Great Falls native, Terry Cosgrove has had a long history with the Sisters of Providence. Terry began his education with the Sisters of Providence at St. Gerard Grade…

Alumnus, Stuart Van Horn

Stuart Van Horn, Ed.D. Bachelors, Social Sciences, 1982 Member, Argo basketball team, 1980-1982 I arrived in Great Falls in August 1980 after a three-day journey from home in Southern California…
