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Courtney Hammer’s Senior Thesis Exhibit

Breaking Through Containment: with line and movement How do I perceive physical strength and emotions through bulls and horses as representation? The subjects I am exploring in this work are…

The Providence Mission Lives on at UP

In 1827, a young Montreal socialite named Emilie Tavernier Gamelin found herself at a crossroad in her life. The loss of her husband and three sons, all in five years’…

‘Topping Out’ Ceremony for new University Center

FOR RELEASE: Dec. 13, 2018 CONTACT: Marketing and Communications at 406.791.5366 GREAT FALLS, MONTANA – The University of Providence continues to make progress on its big, bold vision with the University Center…

Controller, Jillian Ehnot

I am very excited to be joining the staff at the University of Providence. I grew up in Great Falls and have lived in Montana my whole life. I have watched how…

Alumnae, Mary Karen Marek

Class of 1970 Elementary Education As a senior at Girls’ Central in Butte anticipating graduation in May of 1966, my biggest decision was hanging over my head. Where was I going to…
