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A Note from Father Oliver

Feb. 1 to Feb. 5, I participated in the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. This year’s theme was Rethinking Catholic Higher Education in a…

Internal Forms and Information

Request for New Position 2017 Employee Experience Survey UPdate Newsletter Editorial Guidelines Template for UPdate Article Submission UP Strategy Execution Plan UP Strategic Plan 2018 Commencement Events 2018 Fall Semester…

Mission Integration from Father Oliver

Earlier this month I spent three days in Irvine, California, with Mission Integration leaders from across the Providence St. Joseph system. We spent two days discussing, interpreting, reflecting, and praying…

Update on HR Director Position

Over the last three months, we have had the opportunity to step back and think through how we want to structure the HR function to maximize our synergies with PSJH…

UPdate News

Do you have information for a future edition of Update? Please review the editorial guidelines and send your information to marketing@uprovidence.edu. To guarantee inclusion in the upcoming newsletter, please submit your…

A Note from the President

For the inaugural issue of UPdate, there is no better topic to lead with than the mission of our university. Our mission is fundamental and something every one of us…
