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Video of UC Conference Room and Lobby - Visit Great Falls
Event Start Time11:00 AM
Event End Time01:00 PM
Set-up Time09:00 AM
Tear Down Time01:00 PM
Number Expected3
Event Contact
Event Contact NameCarol Hammer
Cell Phone NumberDate of Event07/22/2021
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Date of Request07/15/2021
Detailed Description of LayoutPlease have UC Conf. Room open as one big room. Have stage set up in front center. Scattered Rounds and chairs. Put as many tables/chairs in room so it fills the area (spread them out). It does not have to be even close to capacity with rounds. IT - have screens down with UP Logo on each. This is for a video that is being shot for the Visit Great Falls Website.
Event Set-Up Checklist
Trash Cans0
Round Tables20
8ft Rectangular Tables0
Podium- No
- No
Decorations- No
- Yes
Requesting Food Services?- No
- Yes