Galerie Trinitas
Galerie Trinitas, located on campus in our new University Center, features oil paintings, stained glass, watercolors, ceramics, fabric art, mixed media, graphic art, chalices, enameled Stations of the Cross, and silk screening, attributed to Sister Mary Trinitas Morin, SP.
Admission is always free. Admission to the Galerie is available by appointment only.

As campus art professor for nearly 33 years, Sister Mary Trinitas Morin left a rich legacy of art. As a Sister of Providence, she created art for the chapel, campus, friends, and for special occasions. Sister Mary Trinitas’ early artistic talent was developed at the University of Washington, St. Catherine College in St. Paul, Minnesota, the Chicago Art Institute, and Catholic University, Washington, D.C., where she received her master’s degree in art in 1952.
As a multi-media artist, she was a founding member of the Montana Institute of the Arts and wrote “The Development of Art in Montana” for the “History of Montana,” published in 1954. As a professor of both French and Art, she inspired students, and had the first kiln and art telecom courses in a Montana art department.
Sister Mary Trinitas died July 24, 1965. Her funeral was held at the University Chapel, which has since been dedicated to her memory.
Today, Sister Mary Trinitas is remembered not only for her exquisite art work, but also for her progressive teaching and art techniques, her religious devotion, and a legacy of unselfish dedication to the arts and religion.